One Stop 5KW-20KW Solar Kits (with Energy Storage)

One Stop 5KW-20KW Solar Kits (with Energy Storage)
TOENERGY 550W Mono Solar Panel
Lithium Iron Phosphate Battery
Energy Storage Inverter
Mounting System
Connect Cables
How to Build Your Own Solar Energy System
Step 1: Identified Project Requirements
√ Analysis or Estimation of Energy Use (kWh) and Costs for the Most Recent 12 Months
√ Estimation of Solar Energy Production Scenarios (e.g., the number of kilowatt-hours expected to be produced by the solar system)
Step 2: Design the whole solar system
√ Assessment of Roof or Property Site, Including Dimensions, Shading, Obstructions, Slope, Tilt, Azimuth Direction Towards the Sun, Local Snow Load, Wind Speed, and Exposure Category
√ Evaluation of the Current Electrical Setup
√ Review of Local Permit or Utility Requirements
√ Identification of the Owner 's Requirements for the Aesthetics or Location of the System √ Design of Layout Options and Preliminary Engineering for Rooftop or Ground Mount Configurations
Step 3: Choose the Solar System
√ Options for Compatibility Between Solar Panels and Inverters
√ Comparison of Systems to Evaluate Price, Performance, Quality, and Compatibility
√ Selection of the Optimal System
Step 4: Install the Solar System
√ Professional Installer Assists with the Installation Process
How Solar Energy System Works